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Hello, My names Charlie Marshall I am 18 years old and currently studying media at College, but before this I knew how much I loved editing and taking photos. It all started when other people were taking amazing photos but showing them in so many different perspectives and emotions, I think my eye immediately caught to sunsets and lightning strikes it made me feel excited and that the world is such an amazing place through the eyes of a camera therefore decided to buy my own camera and started from there, the best picture I have taken up to date is definitely the strawberry being dropped into a glass of water. The same goes with editing I always loved movies and games growing up had a passion for explosions, guns, magical effects coming from the end of a stick known as a (wand) therefore learnt how to get clips together and edit them adding effects such as flashing, masking, green screens and also learning how to use velocity all in Sony Vegas, about 2-3 years ago I would sit at my screen from 4 in the afternoon to 3 in the morning watching hundreds of videos learning from other peoples effects, songs with a beat that could be used with the changes in velocity and before I knew it I created a YouTube account for all the edits I made for gamer's and got better the more and more days went on I then used Photoshop to make some edits and started doing graphics along side editing but after time went on I gave up and did not open my computer for months until now where I can bring all the skills I had learnt with me to college as they'll never go away.

Blog: Story
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